The Power of Presence: How Mindfulness Became My Anchor During Cancer - Part 1

Life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect them. For me, that curveball came on August 12, 2022 - a day that started like any other but ended up changing the course of my life forever.

It began innocently enough. My playful pup made a dash for the front door, and in my attempt to grab her collar, my right arm collided with the door frame. The pain was intense, and I was certain I had dislocated my shoulder. Little did I know that this seemingly minor accident would unveil a far more serious issue.

At the hospital, the X-rays revealed more than just a dislocated shoulder. I had broken my upper humerus. As I grappled with the pain and the inconvenience of an injury that couldn't be cast, I had no idea that this break was about to become the least of my worries.

The atmosphere in the room shifted palpably when the doctors returned with the test results. Their faces were grave as they delivered news that would alter the trajectory of my life: my arm had broken on a cancer lesion. In that moment, the world seemed to tilt on its axis. The next few days passed in a haze of disbelief and fear as we awaited the results of the biopsy.

When the results came back, the full weight of my situation became clear. Not only did I have breast cancer, but it had already progressed to stage 4, metastasizing to my bones. The diagnosis was devastating, the prognosis uncertain. Yet, in that moment of clarity, something within me shifted. As the enormity of what I faced came into focus, I knew exactly what I needed to do.

It was as if my entire life had been preparing me for this moment. I grew up immersed in the world of mindfulness, meditation, and the profound power of the mind-body connection. My grandfather, a researcher and instructor for The Silva Method, had introduced me to these concepts early on. Over the years, I had not only become a trainer for Silva myself but had also accumulated a wealth of training and qualifications in various modalities.

As I contemplated the battle ahead, I instinctively returned to my roots - visualization, meditation, and mindfulness. I knew I needed to strip away the complexity and focus on these fundamental practices that had always served me well.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind. I was admitted to the hospital with a broken arm, undergoing radiation and preparing for chemotherapy. In the face of this daunting challenge, I did what I knew best - I created a strategy and set goals.

My first objective was to bring calm to my system. The shock of the diagnosis had sent my body and mind into turmoil, and I knew that finding inner peace was crucial for what lay ahead. I committed to meditating several times a day, using visualization techniques and tapping tools to release the trauma and invite ease into my being. This practice became my anchor, a way to center myself amidst the chaos of hospital life and medical procedures.

With a sense of calm established, I turned my focus to my broken arm. The doctors had told me that surgery would be necessary, as the bone wouldn't heal due to the cancer. But I saw this as a challenge - a mission to prove them wrong. I dedicated my days to visualizing the bone growing, the cancer disappearing, and seeing myself regain full movement in my arm.

To my doctors' amazement, within five weeks, there was noticeable bone growth. The surgery they had deemed inevitable was no longer necessary. This early victory bolstered my spirits and reinforced my belief in the power of mindfulness and visualization.

As I began chemotherapy and radiation, I expanded my visualization practices. I would picture the radiation as a precise, powerful force, swiftly eradicating the cancer cells. During chemotherapy sessions, I visualized the medication as a healing elixir, flowing through my body and dissolving the cancer wherever it found it.

Throughout this process, I maintained a constant dialogue with my body. I expressed gratitude for its resilience, praised it for its strength, and guided it in handling the onslaught of treatments. The results were remarkable - my body responded to the treatments better than anyone had anticipated, leaving my medical team astounded.

These mindfulness techniques allowed me to gain a sense of control over an otherwise overwhelming situation. Instead of feeling helpless in the face of my diagnosis, I felt empowered and hopeful. I broke down my recovery into manageable chunks - setting daily goals and mid-term objectives that kept me moving forward.

My doctors frequently commented on my exceptional coping skills and marveled at my progress. However, I noticed a disconnect - while they acknowledged my positive outcomes, they never inquired about the methods I was using to achieve these results. This realization became the seed that would eventually grow into The Mindfulness Spot.

I created The Mindfulness Spot membership with a clear vision - to help others harness the transformative power of mindfulness in their own lives. Whether facing a health crisis, navigating business challenges, pursuing personal development, or enhancing relationships, I believed that the techniques that had saved my life could be equally powerful for others.

My journey from a shocking cancer diagnosis to finding strength through mindfulness has reinforced my belief in the incredible capacity of the human spirit. It has shown me that even in our darkest moments, we have within us the tools to not just survive, but to thrive.

As I continue on my path of healing and growth, I am more committed than ever to sharing these powerful practices with others. Through The Mindfulness Spot, I hope to create a community where individuals can learn, grow, and discover the miracles they can create in their own lives through the practice of mindfulness.

Remember, no matter what challenges you're facing, you have an innate strength within you. By tapping into the power of mindfulness, you too can transform your struggles into stepping stones for growth and resilience. Your journey to a more centered, empowered you starts with a single mindful breath. Are you ready to take that breath with me?

About Jen Barber:

With over two decades of experience in personal development, I am a seasoned Guide dedicated to helping individuals navigate their transformative journeys and integrate mindfulness into their daily lives. As a former certified trainer for The Silva Method, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a collection of certifications to my practice. My approach is gentle yet effective, focusing on uncovering and rewriting core beliefs - those deep-seated narratives that shape our self-image and influence our life's path.

My personal journey includes using the very tools I teach to put stage 4 breast cancer into remission. This profound experience has deepened my commitment to supporting others on their paths to healing and personal evolution through mindfulness.

To make mindfulness accessible to more people, I've expanded my services:

  1. I offer personalized one-on-one coaching sessions.

  2. I've created The Mindfulness Spot, a group membership program where individuals can learn and practice mindfulness techniques together.

  3. I've launched a YouTube channel, "Expand Your Greatness," featuring guided meditations and visualization techniques to help viewers incorporate mindfulness into their everyday routines.

Through these diverse platforms, I'm committed to helping individuals discover the transformative power of mindfulness and seamlessly integrate it into their lives.

Curious about mindfulness? Let's explore how it can transform your daily experience - check out The Mindfulness Spot membership.


From Personal Healing to Community Empowerment: The Birth of The Mindfulness Spot


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