Welcome to The Mindfulness Spot with Jen Barber!
This is your destination for seamlessly integrating mindfulness into your daily life. From transformative one-on-one sessions to our free Monthly Mindful Live on FB for ongoing mindfulness practice, discover ways to cultivate inner peace and resilience almost effortlessly.

I’m here to help you unlock your unique version of success.

For over two decades, I've dedicated myself to guiding, coaching, and mentoring individuals like you toward crafting extraordinary lives filled with purpose and fulfillment.

My superpower lies in navigating alongside you, helping unravel and transform outdated thought patterns that have hindered progress for far too long - in a simple, yet effective way.

In just a few impactful sessions, I've witnessed clients:

  • Rewrite their narratives from 'I can't because ...' to orchestrating million-dollar breakthroughs in their businesses.

  • Magnetize loving, supportive relationships into their lives.

  • Enhance their overall health and well-being.

  • Achieve remarkable milestones, including putting stage 4 cancer into remission (yes, these very tools have empowered my own journey!).

My approach is compassionate yet direct. I believe genuine transformation occurs when we heal & transform our old stories subconsciously and infuse mindfulness into our everyday experiences.

Are you ready to break free from autopilot living and become the conscious architect of your dream life?

Awaken to Your Highest Potential

Uncover Your Truths

We’ll bring unconscious limiting narratives into awareness. Then, you’ll craft new empowering stories to support your desired creation. It’s easier than you think!

Transform Your Core

Engaging your subconscious mind, we’ll gently yet profoundly transform narratives at the deepest level for lasting change. With my guidance, this is a gentle process.

Integrate Presence

Integrating purposeful mindfulness anchors that you resonate with, and anchors you in the present - the catalyst for consciously manifesting your desires.

Manifest Your Vision

From this grounded, aligned state, you’ll clearly see opportunities. Taking inspired action, you become the conscious architect of your dream life.

Experience Personalized Transformation
with One-To-One Guidance

Whether you're ready to dip your toes in the waters of change or you're seeking that extra assist to overcome obstacles,
I offer tailored one-to-one sessions designed to meet you where you are on your journey. Whether it's a single session package or a commitment to a deeper transformational experience, I've got you covered.

What’s The Best Option For You?


A breakthrough week dedicated to UNCOVERING and OVERCOMING
the KEY OBSTACLE standing between
you and your greatness - right now. Together, we'll identify a core belief or narrative impeding your progress, rewrite it, and I'll provide unwavering guidance throughout the journey.

Get ready to reclaim your power and take confident strides towards your goals!

  • One 45-minute Session

  • One 90-minute Guided Session

  • One 45-minute Follow-Up call to minimize wobbles and keep the momentum going!

Investment - $550

Most Popular


A dynamic two month journey of
INNER TRANSFORMATION. This action-packed experience is dedicated to identifying and overcoming the KEY OBSTACLES holding you back from
your full potential AND establish a transformative routine to
accelerate your success with
unstoppable momentum.

Get ready to rewrite your story and unleash your full potential!

  • One 45-minute Session

  • Four 90-minute Guided Sessions

  • One month of messaging support to minimize wobbles and support these conscious changes you are making in your life.

Investment - $2200

Let's make this easy! If you’d like a payment plan, I’m happy to help - ask!

Join the Community

Subscribe now and receive one of my most requested guided meditations: Recapitulation - Reclaim Your Energy

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    What My Clients Are Saying

    Mike L.

    Small Business Owner

    “My business was on the brink of collapse and I was almost ready to give up. I turned to Jen ready for change. After just one session, the newfound clarity I gained changed the entire course of my business. With a few more sessions, I not only stayed afloat but had my first multi-million year. Jen's guidance was the turning point I needed.”

    Client Success, Client Love

    Melinda T.

    Reiki Master

    “Jen is an incredibly intuitive, gifted with a gentle spirit that allows for ease in doing this amazing work. I was nervous going into my first session, not knowing what to expect, but Jen’s calm presence put me at ease immediately and allowed me to experience a beautiful unfolding of my stuck energies with imagery that felt inspired and resonated to my core.  I was able to release blocks that I had unknowingly held onto for years. Not only do I feel as though I was able to clear this energy easily and step into flow, but I feel that I‘m able to return to this serene state as needed.  What a tremendous gift this was, guided by this masterful soul.  Thank you, dear Jen.  ”

    Marie S.R.


    “Often those 'energy' things, are like Chinese food.  Really nifty, but they wear off, yours is different.   

    "I came to a session with Jen defeated. I had had yet one more defeat and I didn't know how I could or would crawl out of the dark hole of emotional, financial, and physical despair. Jen's session was like winter soup,  the kind that warms you from the inside out and gives you sustenance and energy to challenge the dark and the cold. A month later, I have accomplished more than I had in the previous year, physically and financially. I cracked the code of how to grow my business, and I've attracted quality well paying clients. I feel wonderful and everyone around me comments how radiant I look. The details of the session, have faded with my memory, but the results are lasting and powerful.”

    Thank you Jen. Thank you for taking me out of a dark and dismal place, and leading me gently into the light.”